Advanced Biology Cover

Dr. Kiana Aran’s Publication on the EV-Chip Featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Biology

On April 30, Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) Assistant Professor Dr. Kiana Aran and her collaborators published an article titled “Rapid and Electronic Identification and Quantification of Age-Specific Circulating Exosomes via Biologically Activated Graphene Transistors” in the peer-reviewed journal Advanced Biology. Now, the article—on a novel biosensor called the EV-Chip—has been featured on the front cover of Advanced Biology for the July 7 issue.

The EV-Chip is a prototype portable, low-cost reader for detecting and quantifying exosome biomarkers of cancer and other aging-related diseases. It was developed using graphene-based biology-gated developed by Cardea Bio.

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