Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) andpolymerases are powerful enzymes and their diverse applications ingenomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics have revolutionized thebiotechnology industry today. CRISPR has been widely adopted for genomicediting applications and Polymerases can efficiently amplify genomictranscripts via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Further investigations intothese enzymes can reveal specific details about their mechanisms that greatlyexpand their use. Single-molecule techniques are an effective way to probeenzymatic mechanisms because they may resolve intermediary conformationsand states with greater detail than ensemble or bulk biosensing techniques.This review discusses various techniques for sensing and manipulation ofsingle biomolecules that can help facilitate and expedite these discoveries.Each platform is categorized as optical, mechanical, or electronic. Themethods, operating principles, outputs, and utility of each technique arebriefly introduced, followed by a discussion of their applications to monitorand control CRISPR and Polymerases at the single molecule level, and closingwith a brief overview of their limitations and future prospects.
Read the full review published in Small Journal here: